Please find a list of businesses run by our members in Australia and New Zealand.
If you are a member of BJSM and running a business, please submit the form with all details of your activities. Publication of any submission is subject to successful verification by local chapters and their approval.
Established in 1934, Doree Embroidery & Screenprinting services is QLD's largest and most experienced embellishmnet company with state of art manufacturing facility at its East Brisbane facility. With quality uniform and promotional item supplies, Doree has been the preferred choice of supplier of many iconic brands and companies such as Culture Kings, Broncos, state of Origin, Brisbane Lions, Brisbane Heat, Brisbane Bullets, Qld Cricket, Telstra, Qld Gov to name a few.
With all embellishmnet services under one roof, Doree is truely a one stop solution for all uniform related items.